This pic is last halloween 2014 ! every halloween i made wizard Series 巫婆yurisa[din看看]

This is my favorite dress!! i love lolita fashion[xkl眨眼]

十分感谢大家~ 我希望我可以回复你们所有人的评论和私信,但实在太多了我没办法全部一对一的回复,非常抱歉T_T 爱你们么么哒[羞嗒嗒]\ hello everyone i want to reply all of message and comment but there are too many coment and DM so i can't reply one to one im so sorry T.T i love yours

感谢您的欢迎!我会尝试上载多漂亮的图片![加油啊] thank you for your warm welcome!![xkl抚摸] i will try to upload many pretty pics![din推撞]

你好,我开始 weibo 现在! > 。 < 中国是硬一点,所以我使用翻译,很高兴认识你!![兔子]

