Heidi 提提你💁🏻天氣轉季更加要加強保濕 ! 而我近期喜歡敷Barrier Repair 既保濕mask 因為heidi逢轉季就變敏感肌😖 每日敷左mask之後 皮膚真係無咁乾 亦都無咁易起敏感💗 #BarrierRepair

Hong Kong Disneyland 10th anniversary🎄🐭🐭

Christmas is approaching🎄getting ready for the fall look💋 #shiseidohk #christmastime

很多事情已經面目全非 唯獨我仍然是那個我 固執得可笑 其實你有沒有 #有沒有我 Behind the scene Thanks for putting me in a bad mood😢 @whoisya

If you can't sleep at night it's because you're awake in someone else dream Can you see me in your dream

