懶洋洋的星期天 Ahhhh... Sundays 💤🌾☁️🏠 Doesn't mean much to Louie though, since he sleeps 20 hours a day, everyday anyway! #louiethetiger #scottishfold

Soooo early 😂😘

一早食甜品😍 @張曦雯Kelly

工作中歡度萬聖節 💀🎃👻

Chatting with champion jockey Mr. Zac Purton at The Hong Kong Jockey Club 🐎 冠軍級騎師潘頓先生在<圈內人話系列>晚宴中跟各位VIP分享他的策騎心得 👏

老虎仔眼神好不滿 😂 It never fails to annoy Louie when I use him as a pillow, but he always stays and lets me rest my head on him! ❤️ Happy Cat Day! #proudcatlady #nationalcatday #scottishfold #cats

