不久前刚买了个Seagate 3T,看来还得再买个硬盘再备份。 “we now have 34,881 drives and store over 100 petabytes of data. We continually track how our disk drives are doing, which ones are reliable”

这个task挺有意思的:Given two sentences, the participants are asked to determine whether they express the same or very similar meaning and optionally a degree score between 0 and 1.

International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2014) accepted papers

ICDM 2014 accepted papers

我们做过hashtag扩散的研究 Google Scholar上也有了一些相关的引用文章 相对来说扩散要比溯源容易做,溯源很不容易验证

问: 做基于话题的社交网络中的溯源,寻找源头用户, 求文章? 答: 找到5篇论文 特别推荐Guille等"在线社交网络中信息扩散综述"(SIGMOD Record 2013)脑图, 讲了三个挑战及相关解法: 发现有趣话题,扩散过程建模, 识别高影响力节点。此外还有几篇溯源算法研究及一篇Science相关好文

//@xiangnanhe: 隔壁组就是做这个的,据说目前为止还没能用上machine learning的model,还是各种规则堆积出来的方法//@大山坡的春:转发微博


这个看着挺有意思的: Run Android APKs in Chrome OS OR Chrome in OS X, Linux and Windows.


