【与阿米尔-汗同台较量乒乓,刘国梁的“球友”们都有谁?[并不简单]】今天下午,@刘国梁 与《摔跤吧!爸爸》主演阿米尔汗同台交流,并切磋了球技。其实,#刘国梁# 交友十分广泛,从体育圈到娱乐圈再到金融圈,都有他的“球友”,@比尔盖茨 就曾“挑战”过刘国梁,结果被刘胖完爆[吃惊]...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1638781994/4199477424361187 ​


刚刚结束的佛山女足四国邀请赛最后一场比赛,中国女足2-0击败哥伦比亚。豪取三连胜夺得冠军!上半场今天的寿星@Andrea霜11 任意球直接破门。下半场任桂辛补射扩大比分。恭喜女足姑娘们![心][心] ​


听@米卢 聊2022卡塔尔世界杯[话筒][话筒]、以及卡塔尔的中国元素。中国的公司在那里建造世界杯球场,到时候中国国家队能在那里踢上几场世界杯的比赛嘛[并不简单][并不简单]

Mi entrevista con @新浪体育 sobre el Mundial 2022 en Qatar 接受@新浪体育 专访,聊聊2022年卡塔尔世界杯[good]

回复@rockniu:I’m happy you do!//@rockniu:amazing, fighting boy,! we like your game.//@StephonMarbury:I thought my last game in Wokasong was on Jan 11th and this happens. I’m so excited to play inside the Best arena in China! //@StephonMarburyFansClub:扩散


回复@顾思汀:Facts //@顾思汀:Your life is always full of surprises [挤眼]//@StephonMarbury:I thought my last game in Wokasong was on Jan 11th and this happens. I’m so excited to play inside the Best arena in China! //@StephonMarburyFansClub:扩散


回复@伊枫有内涵:Not anymore! We play 3 games there...//@伊枫有内涵:It is so pity![泪][泪][泪]//@StephonMarbury:I thought my last game in Wokasong was on Jan 11th and this happens. I’m so excited to play inside the Best arena in China! //@StephonMarburyFansClub:扩散


回复@为谁而守_:All day long!//@为谁而守_:Love is love//@StephonMarbury:回复@挚爱马布里:It’s a special place for me.//@挚爱马布里:I know your last game at the end of the wukesong is the dream of you, I understand your mood. Love is Love


回复@LoveIsLove_:So thankful to Wokasong for letting us play 3 games in the Best arena in China!//@LoveIsLove_:回复@StephonMarbury:And you are going to be back at Wukesong again! #we believe in miracles#

Beikong Vs Shougang tomorrow at 7:36pm tip off on @CCTV5 will mark another historical Game. Every second will count so don’t miss it. We live for these basketball moments. Someone has to win and someone has to lose. Let’s go!!! #Love is Love#

回复@芙蕖轶事_281:Thanks for the love!!//@芙蕖轶事_281:@StephonMarbury You are the hero in my heart forever![赞]//@StephonMarbury:回复@永恒一北京:I thought it was the last game ever played there. When I hear this news I’m excited!!


回复@赢球蜜:You’re the real MVP//@赢球蜜:Marbury?MVP!//@StephonMarbury:I thought my last game in Wokasong was on Jan 11th and this happens. I’m so excited to play inside the Best arena in China! //@StephonMarburyFansClub:扩散


回复@兔兔的双鱼:We will give everything we have for the City 🌃 #Love is Love#//@兔兔的双鱼:You are the eternal hero of beijing city. keep going Laoma. Love is love.



No better stage to play on. How cool is it that both Beijing teams get to play in the Best arena in China! So blessed to play some of my final games of my career at the Cadi Center.. #Love is Love# ​


#雪战到底##新浪杯高山滑雪公开赛#亚布力站,98年美少女@静雪飞飞 摘得女子单板大圣组桂冠,赛后她接受了小浪专访,整个过程十分欢乐,金句频出,快来看看可爱小姐姐都说了啥~~~~[好喜欢][好喜欢]



【天津权健亚冠附加赛对手出炉:菲律宾谷神星】刚才结束的一场亚冠资格赛第二轮比赛,布里斯班狮吼队爆冷2-3不敌菲律宾谷神星队。而谷神星队也将在下周二客场挑战天津权健,胜者将晋级亚冠正赛![围观] 越南U23晋级决赛,菲律宾谷神星掀翻澳超豪门,今天东南亚足球集体暴走哇~~[哆啦A梦吃惊] ​

