
有相当道理。 ​




【价值悖论:选水还是钻石?】随着美国结婚率下降,#越来越多女性自己买钻石# 。不过现在我们要讨论另一件事——想象你可以在以下两种礼品中选一样:钻石或一瓶水。看似简单,因为钻石价值更高。但如果你在沙漠中,在脱水状态下,会不会对同样的抉择给出不同答案?为什么会这样?

#旅游# I had a surprisingly great time on my second trip to Saigon.

#朋友圈可以评论表情包了# #朋友圈不能评论表情包了# 薛定谔的朋友圈表情包 WeChat Allows Stickers on Moments, Immediately Regrets It @腾讯微信团队 全文见评论 ​​​​ Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the full article ​​​​

告别10年代,在年末狂欢中迎接喧嚣20年代 Usher in the Next Decade With These Beijing 2020 NYE Dinners and Parties 全文见评论 ​​​​ Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the full article ​​​​

难眠[泪] ​

#National Geographic#January 2020 true pdf. Special Issue: the future of medicine. And lots of insights on how our body handle pain. I love the Yoga section.

#商业周刊#23 December 2019 true pdf. Pls can you seek the downlink from my first post under this tag in December? ​

#新科学家#21 December 2019 true pdf. Apologies for the huge oversight on this. I forgot to share this one. Given the less interest on science, I might not try posting 新科学家 in 2020. Or show me your interest by giving 100 点赞?

北京客为您献上迟来的圣诞祝福! A late Merry Christmas from the Beijinger! 关注我的官方微信(theBeijinger)和官方微信中文版(theBeijingerCN)获取最及时的北京和各类活动信息,大小事,尽在掌握 Follow our Wechat: theBeijinger or theBeijingerCN for the latest coolest happenings in Beiji...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1917971952/4453689185743641 ​

This Christmas display in Tokyo was certainly interesting:

It's that magical time of year when I get to go to the movies because it's Christmas and everyone else is away. Then I eat st a Chinese restaurant because all others are closed for three holiday. ​

One Sushi Start Genki   Genki Sushi relaunch party was held at Metropolitan Plaza in Guangzhou on December 18th, 2019. New fresh dishes can be tasted from now on.   ​

#旅游# How to cope with overtourism:

#狗狗# 通州限狗令,全方位解析 Confusion and Confiscations as Beijing Tightens Dog Restrictions in Tongzhou @平安北京 全文见评论 ​​​​ Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the full article ​​​​

#圣诞节来了# 圣诞躁起来,平安夜不安静 Noise Pollution: Your Very Merry Christmas Gig Round-Up 全文见评论 ​​​​ Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the full article ​​​​

#美众议院决定弹劾特朗普# 哪里不通刷哪里,有了某宝,川普再也不用担心马桶问题啦 Celebrate the Gift of Impeachment With These Taobao Trump Stocking Stuffers 全文见评论 ​​​​ Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the full article ​​​​


美式英语和英式英语的词汇差异图解!美式英语和英式英语除了发音上的不同,用词上也有一些区别哦。戳下图看看那些有区别的英文词汇和表达吧~! ​

Friend invited me to my first yoga class in 17 years. I think I need a slower pace to get back into it. ​

