

#时代周刊#23 December 2019 true pdf. The Person of the Year issue. Please can you seek the download link from my first post on this tag in December? Thanks. ​

#National Geographic Traveller##国家地理##华夏地理#December 2019 true pdf. Note the UK and US versions have different focuses. Enjoy.

#商业周刊#16 December 2019 true pdf. I agree that it's a bit uncomfortable to learnthat all smart devices are listening to and watching quitely your activities minute by minute. What do you reckon??? Pls can you seek the download link from my first post on this topic in December? ​

#新科学家#14 December 2019 true pdf. Pls can you seek the download link from my first post on this topic in December? ​

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#圣诞节# 告别平庸,今年圣诞不一般 Beijing's Best Upcoming Markets for All Your Christmas Gift Needs 全文见评论 ​​​​ Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the full article ​​​​

# 2019# 暖心暖胃,舌尖上的2019 2019 Year in Review: 12 Restaurant Openings That Got Our Tongues Wagging 全文见评论 ​​​​ Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the full article ​​​​

#任天堂# 我马力欧又回来啦!任天堂携手腾讯重返中国市场。 It's me, Mario! After Long Absence, Nintendo Tries Its Luck in China Again @腾讯NintendoSwitch @NS新闻速报 @知任CHS 全文见评论 ​​​​ Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the full ...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1917971952/4448247625948936 ​

别见外!为了更美好的北京,请投下你宝贵的一票 Expats Rise!: Now is Your Chance to Give the City of Beijing Your Feedback @文旅北京 全文见评论 ​​​​ Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the full article ​

自强不吸,你的口罩比你想象得更强大 New Data Reveals Air Pollution Masks Effective for Much Longer Than Expected @气象北京 文章链接见评论 ​​​​ Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the link of the article ​​​​

#时代周刊#16 December 2019 true pdf. Please can you seek the download link from my first post on this topic in December? Thx. ​

#经济学人#7 December 2019 true pdf. The special report about the 亚洲四小龙 is really interesting... For those asking stupid question like 'where is the download link' , note this is the first post on this topic in December.

#商业周刊#9 December 2019 true pdf. For those asking stupid question like 'where is the download link' , note this is the first post on this topic in December. Rings a bell?

#新科学家#7 December 2019 true pdf. For those asking stupid question like 'where is the download link' , note this is the first post on this topic in December. Rings a bell?


【#退伍军人被顶替工作录音曝光#,郸城退役军人事务局劝告仵瑞华不要闹僵】河南周口郸城一退伍军人被冒名顶替工作23年,顶替者曾嚣张表示:“给我10万让你回来上班。”引起了广泛的关注。真假仵瑞华通话录音曝光,顶替者称,他就是“仵瑞华”。如果查到顶替档案, “你想怎样就怎样。” 关于为什么被...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1778758223/4446561893278823 ​


其实一个人单身久了,你就会慢慢的发现,你根本不适合谈恋爱,更不适合结婚,你只适合工作赚钱。 ​​​赚钱,能治愈一切矫情 ,有钱,能治愈一切自卑。 ​ ​​​​

发布了头条文章:《All Beijing All Day On the Go》 四九之城,尽在掌握 Follow us on Wechat to be aware of all the happenings in Beijing 24/7

#歪果仁# #北漂# 北京欢迎您!募集热心肠的好汉,是谁让你的”北漂“岁月不再寒冷? Call for Entry: Which Expat Has Made Beijing Truly Great for You? @北京旅游网官方微博 全文见评论 ​​​​ Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the full article ​

