#北京冬奥会冬残奥会志愿者招募# 冰雪燃情,北京2022年冬季奥运会残奥会正式面向社会招募志愿者 Beijing Calling: You Can Now Apply to Become a 2022 Winter Olympics Volunteer @北京2022年冬奥会 文章链接见评论 ​​​​ Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comm...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1917971952/4446455923856418 ​

#唐山地震# 昨日之殇,今日犹存。唐山发生里式4.5级地震,北京有震感 Beijing Tremors a Ghostly Reminder of Catastrophic 1976 Tangshan Quake @北京市地震局 Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the link of the article 文章链接见评论 ​​​​

//@大管家陈思: 这个主要矛盾的论述是正确的👍


//@人大重阳: #人大重阳# “中国国家复兴,不仅是中国人民的利益,它代表了人类的巨大进步。这样一个大国参与和美国的竞争,引起了美国新保守主义者的恐惧,这是当今世界的主要矛盾。” 人大重阳高研罗思义@JohnRoss431 为您解析美式霸权背后的焦虑。


How to Post and Promote Your Event on the Beijinger – For Free! 想让在北京的”本地仁“和”歪果仁“都知道你的活动么?看这里!~ Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the link of the article 文章链接见评论 ​​​​

It's too cold to stay outside. the Beijinger Chinese Wechat account is now giving away four 100 RMB vouchers of Latina! Follow and Share our Chinese Wechat account (scan this QR code) to your moment then send the screenshot and your Weibo username to win this treat! Then enjoy yo...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1917971952/4446090549901566 ​

How to Post and Promote Your Event on the Beijinger – For Free! 想让在北京的”本地仁“和”歪果仁“都知道你的活动么?看这里!~ Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the link of the article 文章链接见评论 ​​​​

#国际学校# #北京# Beijing Ranks As Having the Most Expensive International Schools in the World 书中自有黄金屋?北京国际教育收费排世界首位 Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the link of the article 文章链接见评论 ​​​​


【TED演讲:中国学生怎样才能学好英语口语?】 ★中国考生的雅思现状★ 听力阅读分数很高,近乎满分,口语分数却很低!很多人学了多年英语,在工作、生活中还是开不了口,成了“哑巴英语”;而有些人虽然用词简单,可能有语法错误和口音问题,却能和母语人士谈笑风生,他们之间的差距在哪里呢?!via....全文: http://m.weibo.cn/5453054839/4435649807417994 ​

//@龙头坝居士: 当今地缘政治的主要矛盾。


//@在馨香弥漫里: 转发微博


//@谷小同学: 转发微博

#观学院# 【罗思义:为什么特朗普要干预英国脱欧?因为对中国影响非常大!】长期以来,中国媒体对英国脱欧有一个错误看法,认为这是个英国国内的问题,甚至会觉得很有趣。实际上,英国脱欧是一件值得严肃对待的事,它不是一个纯粹的英国国内危机。 @JohnRoss431 ​

Events That Won't Leave You Hungover, Nov 26-Dec 1 上头不伤肝,本周活动集锦(11.26-12.01) @TechTemple科技寺 @Wigwam @fRUITYSPACE Please see the top comment for the link of the article 文章链接见评论 ​​​​

I got to taste some whiskey from Savannah, Georgia! 来喝佐治亚州的威士忌

#故宫的雪# Auburn Temples in Snow: Capturing the Forbidden City After the First Snowfall of the Year 雪霁初晴,红墙瓦冷; 银装故宫,与君共游。 @故宫博物院 Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the link of the article 文章链接见评论 ​​​​

Corduroy 🧺 ​

#三里屯# Fire at Nali Patio Causes False Alarm Among Sanlituners 虚惊一场!“那里花园”花开依旧 @北京消防 Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the link of the article 文章链接见评论 ​​​​



Oh, Deer! Everything You Need to Know About Nanhaizi Park 哈利“鹿”亚!南海子公园全解析 @北京公园和风景区 Leave your thoughts in the comment down below Please see the top comment for the link of the article 文章链接见评论 ​​​​

//@百川入海南: 转发微博


