#时代周刊#11 November 2019 true pdf. Please can you seek the download link from the first post on this topic in November? Thanks. ​

#filmrating# Us. This is a really good idea for a thriller - although I won't spoilt it by telling you what that idea is. It's dark and pretty sinister - and yes, thrilling. But, and this is a huge BUT! There's one scene which for me ruins the whole thing! The director weirdly ...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2500297524/4434096560153996 ​

#filmrating# The Hustle with two very different kinds of character (and figure [嘻嘻]) playing pretty much the same game. If films can be crudely split into 3 categories: A (best) B (second best) and C (no sight of 'best') - then this film is a pretty decent B. It's amusing and p...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2500297524/4434095003888757 ​

#filmrating# Suspiria. Here we have quite a bit of potential. A dance school run by witches. They set an interesting atmosphere, the acting is good - there's even some good dancing. But, the plot is so messy. The point is completely obscured and this film misses every target. It ...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2500297524/4434092164134211 ​

#filmrating# Widows. This film is tense with a plot that kept me guessing until the end. It goes piece by piece gradually decoding a puzzle which adds to the action packed storyline. I really like the acting in this film and the twists and turns are pretty good. Let's go in at 7/...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2500297524/4434089022659986 ​

#filmrating# This is actually a highly disturbing film in so many ways. A painfully slow thriller...to some extent perhaps the pace sets and creates the atmosphere, however, it is quite predictable and I feel frustrated the characters didn't see any need to "get the hell out of ...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2500297524/4434087555268077 ​

#filmrating# The Perfection. This is an interesting thriller and it's hard to say a lot without giving too much away. So I'm just going to say it's cleverly done, well acted and is about two girls and a music academy. However, I did feel the director used some cheeky tricks and...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2500297524/4434083448614597 ​

#filmrating# Happy Death Day 2. Needless to say, Happy Death Day is an essential prerequisite. This builds upon the first one without being repetitive. If anything it actually enhances it and makes it philosophically more interesting. This time we have a parallel universe which c...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2500297524/4434078897709724 ​

#filmrating# Avengers Endgame. Hm, so the baddie is bad, but applies utilitarian logic and principles reasonably consistently making him less evil than the average villain. Relatively easy to sort this one out once Miss Marvel could be bothered to show up. Apparently she was busy...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2500297524/4434076243468418 ​

#filmreview# Captain Marvel. So Captain Marvel is to the Avengers what Superman is to the Justice League. Basically so powerful none of the other buggers are remotely necessary apart from a bit of basic policing. A fairly decent superhero film and she's relatively hot so 6/10 ...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2500297524/4434075319928295 ​

2 November 2019 true pdf.

#新科学家#2 November 2019 true pdf. All new fans: remember this is the first post on this topic in Novermber.

//@齐茂佈杨: 作者最后说的这一段话,深得我心:这个问题非常严重。如果在大学研讨会上试图为错误的理论辩护而压制事实,最多是损害学生获取知识;如果在为世界第二大经济体——中国经济政策制定过程中为错误的理论辩护而压制事实,那么将会危及13亿人的生活,中国的民族复兴也会因此遭受严重的挫折。

日前,张维迎和林毅夫就产业政策展开了争论,引起了@JohnRoss431 罗思义先生的兴趣。他先拜读了林毅夫对产业政策论述的文章,然后看了张维迎所著的《林毅夫在产业政策问题上的四个错误》,惊讶地发现张维迎对英美历史存在误读,特借此文澄清。

//@爱经济之声: “英国工业革命前是一个边陲岛国”的说法违背史实。英国和美国实现快速增长并非依靠自由市场,靠的是关税保护。推动美国经济出现史无前例增长速度的是庞大的政府支出,美国确立其无与伦比的国际经济主导地位是在规模空前的政府支出热潮下得以实现!

日前,张维迎和林毅夫就产业政策展开了争论,引起了@JohnRoss431 罗思义先生的兴趣。他先拜读了林毅夫对产业政策论述的文章,然后看了张维迎所著的《林毅夫在产业政策问题上的四个错误》,惊讶地发现张维迎对英美历史存在误读,特借此文澄清。

//@身在城市意在山林: 这个问题非常严重。如果在大学研讨会上试图为错误的理论辩护而压制事实,最多是损害学生获取知识;如果在为世界第二大经济体——中国经济政策制定过程中为错误的理论辩护而压制事实,那么将会危及13亿人的生活,中国的民族复兴也会因此遭受严重的挫折。

日前,张维迎和林毅夫就产业政策展开了争论,引起了@JohnRoss431 罗思义先生的兴趣。他先拜读了林毅夫对产业政策论述的文章,然后看了张维迎所著的《林毅夫在产业政策问题上的四个错误》,惊讶地发现张维迎对英美历史存在误读,特借此文澄清。

//@练心39264: //@JohnRoss431:特朗普为支持约翰逊和法拉吉公然干预英国大选,印证了此视频中我就英国脱欧及对中国影响的分析。



#别的简报# 【动保组织紧急叫停中餐馆抓龙虾机,说这是虐待动物】 如果说浪费可耻的话,夹娃娃机就是对宇宙能量的纯粹亵渎,一个让人花更多的钱和精力和时间获取你本来买都不想买的毛绒玩具产品的机器,一种对意义本身的降维打击。 最近美国和新加坡多家购入此类机器的餐馆都选择将之关停,但他们这...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2163553891/4433538466586409 ​


日前,张维迎和林毅夫就产业政策展开了争论,引起了@JohnRoss431 罗思义先生的兴趣。他先拜读了林毅夫对产业政策论述的文章,然后看了张维迎所著的《林毅夫在产业政策问题上的四个错误》,惊讶地发现张维迎对英美历史存在误读,特借此文澄清。


日前,张维迎和林毅夫就产业政策展开了争论,引起了@JohnRoss431 罗思义先生的兴趣。他先拜读了林毅夫对产业政策论述的文章,然后看了张维迎所著的《林毅夫在产业政策问题上的四个错误》,惊讶地发现张维迎对英美历史存在误读,特借此文澄清。

//@NBER007: 转发微博

我的新书《别误读中国经济》从经济学的角度,以外国人的视角分析中国经济成就达成的各项因素,多角度、深层次地细化研究中国经济与世界其他经济强国的发展指数,并结合党的十九大精神,评价了中国经济出现的新现象及重要话题,解析中国多项经济战略部署的阶段进展与发展前景。本书可在当当网购买:...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2559830984/4346081233761031 ​

