
#filmrating# The Invitation. The best advice I can probably give you is if you get a sudden unexpected, unusual, slightly weird invitation out of the blue, just say no! [嘻嘻] But then we wouldn't have this film, slow paced at first, but tense with a strong finish 7.5/10 ​

#filmrating# The Girl With All the Gifts ponders a very interesting topic. I don't want to say too much, because at the beginning it's not clear what's going on, and that's the best way for it. It challenges preconceptions raising interesting questions. 8/10 ​

A helpful advice to all those who use filters, stickers and all that crap... and yes, I know many of you have potato faces already but your profile your skin looks smoother than a baby's ass... oh, and you DON'T have dog noses or ears either!☝ ​

Sunny? What!?[费解][费解][费解] sticky ass day![吃惊] ​

Hi there....coming up at half past seven A.M. the latest on President Xi's trip to Laos...a recap on ASEAN and his state visit to Vietnam. We'll also have the latest on the earthquake on the border of Iran/Iraq and we'll talk to a journalist in Iraq about the devastation. I'll ...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/3394316190/4173881307125499 ​


【江歌案:杀气腾腾的咪蒙制造了网络暴力的新高潮 | 新京报快评】以咪蒙的粉丝基数和号召力,凑够这个数字很容易,但杀了陈世锋,大家真的就都痛快了吗?到底什么才是公正的审判,最终还是要在法庭上定夺,咪蒙直接在自己影响力巨大的公号里号召“处死一个人”,令人不寒而栗。“法律可以制裁凶手,但...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1644114654/4173736619891963 ​


【这11单词有多个正确的发音】#英语姿势# ①Mayonnaise ②Caramel ③Crayons ④Jewelry ⑤Realtor ⑥Insurance ⑦Almond ⑧Aunt ⑨Mischievous ⑩GIF ⑪Gyro

Level playing field

#今日回顾#【视频:特朗普APEC演讲高调捍卫经济民族主义】- 11月10日,特朗普在聚集了21个成员国领导人的APEC峰会上重申“美国优先”政策,捍卫经济民族主义立场。他称美国在全球贸易中遭遇了不公平对待,他将避免达成曾有损于美国利益的多边贸易协议,不会再让美国被别国“占便宜”。...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1649159940/4173744110953009 ​

I have too many notebooks. Makes it difficult to find the notes I took when traveling to different places. ​

Snails in Africa should be naked because it's too hot for them living in heavy clumsy shells. If they live in China with that big size, they would be cooked or grilled for their tender texture. Precious delicacies Indeed [哈哈][哈哈][doge][doge]

I tell my students that everything is bigger in Africa and they don’t believe me...[太开心][污][笑cry] Look at this African snail[污][污] ​​​

lol, if I were a model...[偷笑][偷笑][偷笑] ​

I guess I arrived a little (or a lot) earlier to tonight's social event, so... let's chill for a while. I'm kinda tired and hungry.☕🍴[困] ​

#我的会员报告# 我在10月会员报告实力夺得【潇洒的热血青年】的称号,66666!本月【财富符】也被我抽到了呢!听说只有颜值高的人才能转出好运哟~你也来看看吧~

Gru is in mourning...

finally someone killed the minions

When you need to gross out your coworkers to finally have some peaceful, lonesome coffee break...☝☕

anybody else wet?


【台湾知名导演侯孝贤:大陆才是真正发展的地方】两岸交流30年纪念会,12日下午在北市举行。台湾知名电影导演侯孝贤表示,以前去大陆拍片,很多观念不一样,但现在差不了太多,所以迟早我们回去,还是他们来(指统一),只是时间问题。大陆才是真正发展的地方,如果台湾电影能在大陆很蓬勃发展,交流能...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1709286740/4173579454921466 ​

Japanese Restaurant Qingjiu Offers Sea Urchin Hot Pot and Delicious Sushi 新开业的青久日料有海胆锅和品鉴菜单

我刚购买了 的电影票,在 省了6.2元,超便宜! ​

Ugly ass day in GZ but beautiful attitude. Don't let the dreary weather hinder your passion for life. Coffee time! Good morning, punks!🌂☕ ​

