
转:2012诺奖获得者日本京都大学生理学教授山中伸弥曾在《自然》杂志发表研究成果称“深度思考是最好的养生方式”。 他说“大脑是身体每个机能的指挥中心,如果脑细胞充分活跃,必须有足够的能量和养分供给,身体机能会自动调动身体各部位可余能量向大脑集中,习惯性深度思考能有效缓解脂肪的局部富集...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/3197077575/4170651944717904 ​



Hi, what are you doing?🐕 ​



If you wanna cook, cook with passion.☝🔥 Mexican style shrimps with a slight nacho touch (a measure of cheese and garnished with tortilla chips). Just amazing!🍴 My moms says now I can get married, lol[偷笑] ​

"Oh, I love your fabric softener, is it Downy?[爱你]"

“my nigga is this silk?” ​

DAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! In China that's impossible! I evolved my connection drastically and the speed was like almost nothing. Not good when you're in the middle of a session and the "buffering" freezes the action, tho.[哼]

How I feel watching my download speeds after upgrading from 1 Mbps to 50Mbps connection ​

I love sneaking into that security area... [阴险][坏笑][阴险][坏笑][阴险]

most men can’t find stair 1 roof access ​

Speeeeecial frieeeends~🎵 I love the sound of it, better than fuck friends, that's for sure!☝

[after sex] girl: what are we now? guy:

It seems that warning attracted the attention of city hall and they're supposed to enforce new taxi regulations... I just hope is soon, cuz frankly speaking, I'm sick of these bastards' shitty service!

Lesson today on “Directions” and one of the words that pop up is TAXI RANK - a place where taxis park while waiting to be hired[good] There should be TAXI RANKS everywhere. It is sooo dangerous for taxis to just pull over and stop anywhere... and the cabbies always think they t...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/6034789026/4170322058381511 ​

Trump leaves for Asia....heading to China and other countries. Also Catalan leaders continue to be in hot water. And Maduro in Venezuela is trying to figure out how to deal with his countries debt. It's all coming up at 9 AM this morning. See you soon. ​

Down to four choices for 👔 ties-day. Vote on the tie you would like me to wear next Tuesday. Highest vote getter ends up on the air. ​

As dinner approaches here in UK, while the good people of China are all tucked up in their beds, here's another song...quite a delicious one as it happens [嘻嘻] 分享 Sleeper 的歌曲《Delicious》 (分享自 @虾米音乐)

More delicious looking dishes taking shape[馋嘴] I'm sooo hungry[馋嘴] Btw, I know you're very fickle & I expect most of you won't remember me since it's been quite a while since I was active on weibo. But all you need to know is I'm still the coolest weibo show in town[白眼] ​

Olala, this seems a very special version of a sausage roll. It's a sausage roll with a C'lexie unique twist! [嘻嘻] ​

It's Friday night cook time! [馋嘴] So far I can see sausage rolls, I can see some kind of pizza type base, some broccoli balls and a couple of unidentified objects [嘻嘻] But it's looking and smelling great...just like me as a matter of fact [白眼] ​


【五名未成年少女因校园欺凌获刑 #向校园欺凌说不#!】昨天,北京五名未成年少女因校园欺凌,分别获刑一年及11个月。今年2月,这五名女生在校内无故殴打、辱骂两名同学,造成其中一人精神抑郁,至今无法正常生活学习。法官认为虽是未成年人,但随意殴打他人致伤,已构成寻衅滋事罪,依法应予惩处。 ...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2656274875/4170109339285024 ​

Artificial Stupidity 这点符合当前实际AI与人类[doge]//@电商报:[笑cry] [笑cry]

【英国教授怼霍金:比起人工智能,人工智障更令人担心】10月31日,针对霍金之前曾对人工智能发展引起“人类灭亡”的言论,英国著名教授Prof Winfield在参加访谈节目时表示,霍金所担心的人工智能问题几乎不可能发生,我们更应该担心那些“人工智障”。[并不简单]

#哈佛商业评论#November-December 2017 true pdf & epub. Please note this is NOT a free sharing but a paid service. Check this link to find out more if you're interested.

5 November 2017 true pdf. Is it fair to blame social media a threat to something? What's the difference between traditonal media and social media? I'm not sure...

