Well, if you're in a place you don't want to be, there's nobody to blame but your choice, whatever it was. It's our choice to be where we wanna be and do what we wanna do.☝

Routine not necessarily has to be a bad thing: you NEVER do the same things again anyways. Every day, as similar as it can be, has it's own charm. Learn to embrace the uniqueness of every day... This message was brought to you by Family Mart coffee: tastes like fuel, kicks like ...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2780404473/4168860682306629 ​

Swipe the Rainbow: The Top 5 Chinese LGBT Apps in 2017 2017年中国top5 同志app

"We Can't Have Your Belly Showing on Television" Comic Jesse Appell on His Breakthrough Chinese National TV Appearance Jesse Appell在今晚80後脫口秀登台

Curb the Cold on Chunxiu Lu With Thai-Style Snacks and Milk Tea at Yaksa 春秀路泰面兽探店

Get Out: Explore the UNESCO-Listed Wonders of Shanxi Province Just an Hour from Beijing 周末度个小假游山西

Views from my long-ago trip to Huanglong.

At 9 am latest on terror attack in New York with team coverage. Also latest on efforts to ease tensions on the Korean peninsula. Plus a Chinese student in the U.S. is senselessly killed in the U.S. State of Utah. The man responsible is in custody and we'll have the story of th...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/3394316190/4169195136526991 ​


【铁血英雄铁木真,震怒之下杀兄弟】 高原的众多部落中,“蒙古”部落是一个弱小、落后的部落。成吉思汗就出生在这个部落的一个贵族家庭中,本名叫铁木真。虽然出身算得上是贵族,他的童年有着一份惨淡的味道。未满十岁的时候,铁木真的爸爸也速该就被塔塔儿部的人下毒害死了。也速该死后,留下了两个...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2117524645/4169189096455113 ​


不多说,送你们一些礼物吧!特别感谢下@省钱欧巴 的任性,送给你们这么多的礼物 ​

Votes are in! One tie 👔 is off the tie rack. If I picked your 👔 watch this morning and take a picture of it on the air and post it. ​

//@马克思家的汪汪: //@马克思家的汪汪:转发微博




没错,这些都是你最不爱听的实话。 ​​​​


【哈佛大学心理学教授:衰老是一个被灌输的概念】(2017-09-07 中外学术情报 凤凰争鸣 本文作者陈赛,文章源自《三联生活周刊》) 在岁月面前,我们真的无能为力吗?将一个人的心理时钟倒拨20年,有可能吗?在这里,心理学将为我们发现这种“可能”。 返老还童的可能性 心理学家艾伦·朗格教授今年63岁...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/3197077575/4168674766644639 ​


【因乐视网IPO财务造假发审委多人被抓 最终名单超10人】多名发审委委员被采取强制措施,警方顺藤摸瓜。消息人士透露,最终名单超过10人。被带走的委员包括第一届创业板发审委委员谢忠平,系亚太集团会计师事务所副主任会计;以及北京天圆会计师事务所副总经理孙小波。(财经) ​​​​


中国古代家训集萃,放到今天还是很有道理。 ​

Oh, beautiful Internet! What would we do without you and all the pleasant and nasty components that makes you you?📶 ​

Report: North Korea agents arrested in China 极权的恐怖在此 ​


昨天晚上出了小故障导致大家不能愉快地看剧,人人君来给大家道歉了![跪了][跪了][跪了]关注@人人视频,转发本条微博,抽取3个人,每人1000元现金,下周一开!希望大家继续支持人人视频app,谁用谁知道,各大应用商店均有下载!@微博抽奖平台 ​

Routine not necessarily has to be a bad thing: you NEVER do the same things again anyways. Every day, as similar as it can be, has it's own charm. Learn to embrace the uniqueness of every day... This message was brought to you by Family Mart coffee: tastes like fuel, kicks like ...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2780404473/4168860682306629 ​

