//@JohnRoss431: 本书的封面形象地体现了中美博弈的精髓——一个机器人的手臂行将落向棋盘。中美之间的博弈,就好比一盘巨大的地缘政治棋盘,只不过棋子是最先进的技术与经济手段。本文不仅论述了中美经济趋势,而且也分析了中美地缘政治关系。希望本书有助于大家更好地了解全球政治形势与经济趋势。

【[推荐]重磅新书《#一盘大棋#?中国新命运解析》全面上市】中国人民大学重阳金融研究院首位全职外籍高级研究员、英国前高官罗思义@JohnRoss431,潜心研究中国社会三十年后首次出书!以真实的原始数据、宏观的视野、大量珍贵图表和严谨的数据分析,透视中国大时代经济变革的隐秘真相!! 当当...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1722706167/3968897595762876 ​

Beijing's Best Events That Won't Leave You Hungover, Sep 18-24 本周非酒精活动

Too Lazy? Get a Bartender for Your House 太懒了?找个调酒师来家里轰趴呗

We Had the Matcha Pasta at Keifuku … and It Was Pricey 我们去三里屯的景福和房吃了抹茶意面,除了贵没毛病...[允悲]

: Shanghai Club Vets' New Beijing Venue Unleashes Gorgeous, Creative Menu 太古里北区的露台开了InfraRouge鸡尾酒吧

Survive Now, Thrive Later: Vista Medical Center's Dr. Yin Discusses First Aid in Beijing 维世达诊所医生谈论急救护理

沒趕上香港的Ultra,那麼這個週六就一起去Banana 電音節吧[小黄人高兴] 掃描海報內二維碼可以直接報名,小編也為大家爭取了福利 只要留意我們, 大禮隨時送出! 這個週六 我在大梅沙等你o[小黄人坏笑] 詳情:

Why is so hard for people to enjoy their job? Didn't they choose to be there in the first place? Many people just live for work but forget that work is also your life.☝ ​

They gotta run before I use them for target practice![阴险][坏笑]💦

don't stop ​

Last time I heard, the statistics were at 210.1% probability to steal a boyfriend, but like all statistics, they are all irrelevant.☝💹

new best fashion for girls..guaranteed 125% to steal your bf ​

说安啦的若是如此,可以去死。//@默然-回首://@我就看看还不行吧: 回复@摸石头2000:说中国人是chink,就是中国猪,女的是婊子,所有中国人都欠操,还说中国女人阴道脏,中国男人吉吉小,说中国人都是魔鬼,没有灵魂。反正说的还有很多难听的[弱]//@摸石头2000:这个洋人在说什么?

一外国人在北京地铁二号线高呼宗教口号“真主至大”,并骚扰辱骂地铁乘客,扬言要杀死乘客。 ​​​

Boy, didn't he strain his muscles? That's some nasty hard work![衰]

Leo DiCaprio helps fight global warming ​

Get Croissant (for RMB 1), Breads, Cakes and Mooncakes From Comptoirs De France's New Online Shop @法派1855 上线了自家网店、京东和淘宝,限购一元的牛角包,还有法式下午茶点、月饼统统买起来~

The Deep Dish: Whale Well's Adorable Pizza Inspirations 我们去通州尝了创意十足的小鲸披萨

Voting Now Open: With 2017's Pizza Fest in the Bag, Roll on This Year's Pizza Cup! 披萨杯投票正式开启,快给你最爱的披萨店投上一票吧

Beijing is Not a Welcoming City for Out-of-Town Workers, Says Survey 《智联招聘2017年秋季白领跳槽指数调研报告》发布,仅有8.3%的白领选择期望去到新的城市发展

Nosedive Into the Universe of Spoken Word With Spittoon Collective 老书虫 文艺之旅

5,000+ Pizza Lovers at First Day of 2017 Pizza Fest 披萨节首日照片集锦

Silicon Valley: Uncanny Sex Dolls Offered to Beijing Bachelors as "Shared Girlfriends" 共享娃娃被当做“共享女友”上线

Mandarin Oriental to Finally Open Beijing Hotel in 2018 ... But Not the One You're Thinking 东方文华酒店将在明年在北京开业

